광고홍보학전공 교과과정
광고홍보학 전공(Advertising & Public Relations Major)
교과목 |
학점 |
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수강대상 |
공공커뮤니케이션캠페인 (Public Communication Campaign) 헬스커뮤니케이션 (Health Communication) 광고관리 (Advertising Management) OOH프로모션 전략 (OOH Promotion Strategy) 광고윤리와법제 (Advertising Ethics and Pub) 광고심리 (Psychology in Advertising) 디지털미디어와 광고 (Digital Media and Advertising) 광고세미나 (Topics in Advertising) 브랜드커뮤니케이션 (Brand Communication) 광고효과 (Theories of Advertising Effects) 광고매체 (Advertising and Media Strategy) 글로벌광고 (Global Advertising) 광고크리에이티브 (Advertising Creativity) 광고전략 (Advertising Strategy) PR전략 (Public Relations Strategy) 소비자행동 (Consumer Behavior) 마케팅커뮤니케이션 (Marketing Communication) PR세미나 (Public Relations Seminar) 위기관리 (Crisis Management) 다변인통계분석 (Multivariate Statistics) PR이론 (Theories in Public Relations) 기업PR (Corporate Public Relations) 광고캠페인 (Advertising Campaign) 광고와문화컨텐츠 (Advertising and Cultural Contents) |
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석, 박사 공통 |