KOUH group @ Kookmin
60. Comparative Study of Thermal Annealing Effect on Undoped and Mn-doped (K,Na)NbO3 Nanofibers (Hyunjung Cho, In-bo Shim, and Taejoon Kouh) J. Appl. Phys. 133, 125107 (03.24.2023).
59. Polarization Measurement of Light Scattered by Small Airborne Particles using the Millikan Experiment Kit (Jaeman Kim, Taejoon Kouh, Heeso Noh) New Phys.: Sae Mulli 73, 57-62 (01.31.2023).
58. Static Tactile Sensing Based on Electrospun Piezoelectric Nanofiber Membrane (Hyunjung Cho and Taejoon Kouh) Sensors 22, 6779 (09.08.2022).
57. Combined effect of mass and stiffness on the dynamics of a double-layered microcantilever (Hyunjung Cho, Yunhee Park and Taejoon Kouh) Appl. Phys. Express 14, 075004 (2021.06.17).
56. Effects of Electrospinning Nozzle size and Voltage on Polyvinylpyrrolidone Fiber Structure Formation (In-Bo Shim and Taejoon Kouh) New Physics: Sae Mulli, 70, 531-534 (2020.06.30).
55. Simple optical knife-edge effect based motion detection approach for a microcantilever (Wonki Kim and Taejoon Kouh) Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 163104 (2020.04.21).
54. 자성나노입자의 표면 흡착에 의한 마이크로캔틸레버의 공진주파수 변화 (박미령, 최현경, 김삼진, 김철성, 고태준) 한국자기학회지 28, 49-52 (2018.04.30).
53. Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Antiferromagnetic Maricite-NaFePO4 by Mossbauer Spectroscopy (Hyunkyung Choi, Mun Hwan Kim, Taejoon Kouh, and Chul Sung Kim) Sci. Adv. Mater. 10, 682-685 (2018.5.1)
52. Field-Dependent Resonant Behavior of Thin Nickel Film-Coated Microcantilever (Yunhee Park, Eun Joong Lee and Taejoon Kouh) Micromachines 8, 109 (2017.04.01).
51. Nanomechanical Motion Transducers for Miniaturized Mechanical Systems (Taejoon Kouh, M. Selim Hanay and Kamil L. Ekinci) Micromachines 8, 108 (2017.04.01).
50. Microscopic evidence of magnetic and structure phase transition in multiferroic spinel FeV2O4 (Bo Ra Myoung, Sam Jin Kim, Jung Tae Lim, Taejoon Kouh, and Chul Sung Kim) AIP Advances 7, 055828 (2017.02.27).
49. Crystal structure and magnetic properties of Li1-xNaxFePO4 based on Mossbauer spectroscopy (Byung Ug Ko, Hyunkyung Choi, Taejoon Kouh, Sam Jin Kim, and Chul Sung Kim) AIP Advances 7, 055715 (2017.02.21).
48. Synthesis and characterization of Co-Zn ferrite nanoparticles for application to magnetic hyperthermia (Hyunkyung Choi, Sangjoon Lee, Taejoon Kouh, Sam Jin Kim, Chul Sung Kim, Eunjoo Hahn) J. Korean Phys. Soc. 70, 89 (2017.1.19).
47. Nanomechanical fluctuations of microcantilever under turbulent mixing (Seunghwan Kim and Taejoon Kouh) Curr. Appl. Phys. 16, 927-930 (2016. 09.01).
46. Investigation of the magnetic properties of Li0.8Na0.2FePO4 by using the Mossbauer spectroscopy (Byung Ug Ko, Taejoon Kouh, Chul Sung Kim, Jung Chul Sur) J. Korean Phys. Soc. 69, 589-592 (2016.8.27).
45. Dynamics of a surface-modified miniaturized SiN mechanical resonator via a nanometer-scale pore array (Eun Joong Lee, Myung Rae Cho, Seunghwan Kim, Yun Daniel Park and Taejoon Kouh) Nanotechnology 27, 195203 (2016.04.05).
44. Investigation of Magnetic Properties of Sr-Doped Ba3?xSrxCo2Fe24O41 Z-type Hexaferrite by Mossbauer Spectroscopy (Jung Tae Lim, Taejoon Kouh, and Chul Sung Kim) IEEE Trans. Magn. 51, 1800604, (2015.11.01)
43. Improving the Pore-channel Uniformity through Back-side Treatment of Anodic Aluminum Oxide (Seunghwan Kim, Suhwan Lim, Chul Sung Kim, Taejoon Kouh) New Physics: Sae Mulli 64, 791 (2014.08.29) - selected as a highlight paper.
42. Measuring Gaussian noise using a lock-in amplifier (T. Kouh, U. Kemiktarak, O. Basarir, C. Lissandrello and K. L. Ekinci) Am. J. Phys. 82, 778, (2014.8.1).
41. Hot-injection Polyol 공정에 의해 제조된 Fe3O4 나노입자의 Hyperthermia 특성 (이성노, 고태준, 심인보, 심현주) 한국자기학회지 24, 51-55, (2014.04.30).
40. 다공성 알루미나 마스크를 이용한 니켈 나노점 구조 제작 (임수환 , 김철성 , 고태준) 한국자기학회지 23, 126-129 (2013.08.31).
39. Mossbauer Studies of Y-type Hexaferrite with Aluminum Doping (Jung Tae Lim, Mi Hee Won, Taejoon Kouh and Chul Sung Kim) J. Korean Phys. Soc. 62, 1815 (2013.6.28).
38. Pressure-sensing based on photothermally coupled operation of micromechanical beam resonator (D. H. Kim, E. J. Lee, M. R. Cho, C. S. Kim, Y. D. Park, and T. Kouh) Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 203502 (2013.05.20).
37. Improved Linear Air-track Experiment with a Photo-interrupter Array (Taejoon Kouh and Zeehoon Jang) New Physics: Sae Mulli 63, 411 (2013.04.30).
36. Mossbauer analysis of silicate Li2FeSiO4 and delithiated Li2-xFeSiO4 (x=0.66) compounds (In Kyu Lee, Sam Jin Kim, Taejoon Kouh, and Chul Sung Kim) J. Appl. Phys. 113, 17E306 (2013.05.07).
35. Photothermal Effect and Heat Dissipation in a Micromechanical Resonator (Dae Hwan Kim, Eun Joong Lee, Myung Rae Cho, Chul Sung Kim, Yun Daniel Park, Taejoon Kouh) Appl. Phys. Express 5, 075201 (2012.06.14).
34. Structural and Magnetic Properties of FeTiTaO6 (Il Jin Park, Woo Jun Kwon, Taejoon Kouh, Sung Baek Kim, and Chul Sung Kim) IEEE Trans. on Mag. 48, 1560 (2012.04.01).
33. Investigation of cation distribution in single crystalline Fe3-xMnxO4 microspheres based on Mossbauer spectroscopy (Yong Hui Li, Taejoon Kouh, In-Bo Shim, and Chul Sung Kim) J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07B544 (published 2012.4.1)
32. Temperature dependent magnetic structure of lithium delithiated LixFeSO4F (x=0, 1) by Mossbauer spectroscopy (In Kyu Lee, Sung Wook Hyun, Taejoon Kouh, In-Bo Shim, and Chul Sung Kim) J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07E138 (published 2012.4.1).
31. 얇은 다공 구조 박막에서의 두께에 따른 박막 저항 변화 (송아리, 김철성, 고태준) 한국자기학회지 22, 6-10 (2011.02.29)
30. Evolution of sheet resistance of thin Ni film deposited on porous anodic alumina substrate (Aree Song, Chul Sung Kim, and Taejoon Kouh) Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 263103 (published 2011/12/28).
29. Local Magnetic Properties of Spinel Cd0.9M0.1Fe2O4(M = Zn, Ni) Investigated by Using External Magnetic Field Mossbauer Spectrometry (Woochul Kim, Sung Wook Hyun, Taejoon Kouh, Chul Sung Kim and Eun Joo Hahn) J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59, 3380-3384 (published 2011/12/15).
28. Highly efficient full-color display based on blue LED backlight and electrochromic light-valve coupled with front-emitting phosphors (Jeong Rok Oh, Hoo Keun Park, Ji Hye Oh, Taejoon Kouh, and Young Rag Do) Opt. Express 19, 16022-16031 (published 2011.08.15).
27. Pressure-Dependent Dissipation Effect at Multiple Cantilever Resonant Modes (Eun Joong Lee, Chul Sung Kim, Yun Daniel Park, and Taejoon Kouh) J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 11, 6599-6602 (published 2011.07.01).
26. Investigation of the Ferromagnetic Properties of 57Fe doped Tin(IV) Oxide Based on Mossbauer Spectroscopy (Yong Hui Li, Taejoon Kouh, Sam Jin Kim, In-Bo Shim and Chul Sung Kim) J. Korean Phys. Soc. 58(4) 805~808 (published 2011.4.15).
25. Investigation of electrical and magnetic properties of triangular antiferromagnets (Bo Ra Myoung, Chin Mo Kim, Sam Jin Kim, Taejoon Kouh, Yasushi Hirose, Tetsuya Hasegawa, and Chul Sung Kim) J. Appl. Phys. 109 07E133 (published 2011.4.1).
24. 초기 산화피막 제거와 양극산화 시간에 따른 다공성 알루미나 막의 성장 (김대환, 류상희, 이효진, 박영옥, 이은중, 고태준) 한국자기학회지 20, 191-195 (2010.10.31) .
23. Detection sensitivity of the optical beam deflection method characterized with the optical spot size on the detector (Eun Joong Lee, Youngok Park, Chul Sung Kim and Taejoon Kouh), Curr. Appl. Phys. 10 (3), 834-837 (published 2010. 5).
22. Growth of nanostructured Cu-Al-O film deposited on porous aluminium oxide (Y. Park, H. Ko, I.-B. Shim, C.S. Kim and T. Kouh), Physica E 42, 1302-1306 (published 2010. 3.2).
21. Investigation of the Magnetic Co Antidot Array Structure on Anodic Porous Alumina (Youngok Park, Chul Sung Kim, Taejoon Kouh, Satoru Mohri, Sawako Ohno, Kenji Taira, Yasushi Hirose and Tetsuya Hasegawa), J. Korean Phys. Soc. 56, 602-606 (published 2010. 02. 12.).
20. Characterization of CoCr2O4 on Pt(111) Grown by Using Pulsed Laser Deposition (Kang Ryong Choi, Seung Je Moon, Taejoon Kouh, In Bo Shim, Sam Jin Kim, and Chul Sung Kim), IEEE Trans. on Mag. 45 (6), 2610-2612 (published 2009. 6. 1).
19. Investigation of Microscopic Crystal Field in Co-Doped Lithium-Iron Phosphate (Seung Je Moon, Taejoon Kouh, Choong Sub Lee, and Chul Sung Kim), IEEE Trans. on Mag. 45 (6), 2584-2586 (published 2009. 6. 1).
18. The effect of proton irradiation on magnetic properties of lithium ferrites (Sung Wook Hyun, Taejoon Kouh, Sam Jin Kim, and Chul Sung Kim), J. Appl. Phys. 105 07A506-1~07A506-3 (published 2009. 04. 01).
17. Operation of Dilute - Magnetic - Semiconductor - Based Nanoelectromechanical Systems in Spintronics Applications (Sung Wook Hyun and Taejoon Kouh), J. Korean Phys. Soc. 53, 1821-1825 (published 2008. 10. 15.).
16. 초기 산화 피막의 형성이 다공성 알루미나 막 제작에 미치는 영향(박영옥, 김철성, 고태준) 한국자기학회지 18, 79-83 (published 2008. 04. 30).
15. 4분할 광 검출기 상의 광점 크기가 변위 측정감도에 미치는 영향(이은중, 이진우, 고태준) 한국자기학회지 18, 71-74 (published 2008. 04. 30).
14. Magnetic property and charge ordering effect in polycrystalline LuFe2O4 (Bong Kyu Bang, Taejoon Kouh, and Chul Sung Kim), J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07E307 (published 2008. 4. 1.)
13. Microstructure of the Oriented Hexagonal HoMnO3Thin Films by PLD,(Dong Hyeok Choi, In-Bo Shim, Tae Joon Kouh, Chul Sung Kim) J. of Magnetics 12,141 (published 2007. 12)
12. Magnetic Properties and Crystalline Transition for the NiCr1.7Fe0.3O4 (Seung-Iel Park, Kang Ryong Choi, Taejoon Kouh, Chul Sung Kim), J. of Magnetics 12,137 (published 2007. 12).
11. Relation between Mossbauer spectroscopy and geometrical frustration factors in MCr1.9857Fe0.02O4 ( M = Co, Zn) (Kang Ryong Choi, Taejoon Kouh, Sam Jin Kim, and Chul sung Kim), Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 244, 4582-4585 (published 2007. 12. 12).
10. 유연하고 얇은 알루미늄 포일을 사용한 다공성 알루미나 막 제작(박영옥, 김승우, 고태준) 한국자기학회지 17, 90-94 (published 2007. 04. 30).
9. Optical knife-edge technique for nanomechanical displacement detection (D. Karabacak, T. Kouh, C. C. Huang and K. L. Ekinci) Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 193122 (published 2006. 05. 11) .
8. Annealing에 의한 나노구조 박막의 전기적 특성 연구(고태준) 한국자기학회지 16, 98-101 (published 2006. 02. 28).
7. 나노구조 박막의 Morphology에 따른 초전도 특성 변화에 관한 연구(고태준) 한국자기학회지16, 71-74 (published 2006. 02. 28).
6. Analysis of optical interferometric displacement detection in nanoelectromechanical systems (D. Karabacak, T. Kouh, and K. L. Ekinci) J. Appl. Phys. 98, 124309 (published 2005. 12. 22).
5. Room-temperature operation of a nanoelectromechanical resonator embedded in a phase-locked loop (T. Kouh, O. Basarir, and K. L. Ekinci) Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 113112 (published 2005. 09. 09).
4. Diffraction effects in optical interferometric displacement detection in nanoelectromechanical systems (T. Kouh, D. Karabacak, D. H. Kim, and K. L. Ekinci) Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 013106 (published 2004. 12. 27).
3. Subgap Density of States in Superconductor-Normal Metal Bilayers in the Cooper Limit (Zhenyi Long, M. D. Stewart, Jr., Taejoon Kouh, and J. M. Valles, Jr.) Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 257001 (published 2004. 12. 13).
2. Deviations from mean-field behavior in disordered nanoscale superconductor-normal-metal-superconductor arrays (Taejoon Kouh and J. M. Valles, Jr.) Phys. Rev. B 67, 140506(R) (published 2003. 04. 28).
1. Fluctuation Effects in High Sheet Resistance Superconducting Films (J. M. Valles, Jr., J. A. Chervenak, S.-Y. Hsu, T. Kouh) Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk 171, 104 (published 2001. 10. 01).