이 성 욱 | 단장 |
공학관 342호
ㅇ An experimental study on spray and combustion characteristics based on fuel temperature of direct injection bio-ethanol-gasoline blending fuel
ㅇ Nanoparticle emission characteristics and reduction strategies by boost pressure control and injection strategies in a passenger diesel engine
ㅇ A Study on the performance Deterioration of SCR for Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles
 임 세 준 | 부단장 |
공학관 541호
인공지능시스템 및 응용
ㅇ Multimodal data collection system for driver emotion recognition based on self-reporting in real-world driving
ㅇ Deep learning–based driver’s real emotion recognizer
ㅇData‐driven human‐like cut‐in driving model using generative adversarial network
 유 진 우 | 부단장 |
공학관 543호
ㅇ A Deep Reinforcement Learning Strategy for Surrounding Vehicles-Based Lane-Keeping Control
ㅇ PMHA-Net: Positional Multi-Head Attention Network for Point-Cloud Part Segmentation and Classification
ㅇ PG-Based Vehicle-In-the-Loop Simulation for System Development and Consistency Validation
 이 상 헌 | 참여 교수 |
공학관 340호
ㅇMulti-attention-based soft partition network for vehicle re-identification
ㅇMode confusion of human–machine interfaces for automated vehicles
ㅇUser interface for in-vehicle systems with on-wheel finger spreading gestures and head-up displays
 장 시 열 | 참여 교수 |
공학관 335호
ㅇ 듀얼클러치 변속용 습식클러치 체결에 따른 토크 변화에 대한 동적거동 ㅇ 습식 DCT의 드래그 토크 저감을 위한 클러치 패드 유로 설계 ㅇ Wet Single Clutch Engagement Behaviors in the Dual Clutch Transmission System |
 강 연 식 | 참여 교수 |
공학관 343호
ㅇ Real-Time Drift-Driving Control for an Autonomous Vehicle: Learning from Nonlinear Model Predictive Control via a Deep Neural Network
ㅇ Development of a GPU-Accelerated NDT Localization Algorithm for GNSS-Denied Urban Areas
ㅇ A particle Filter Localization Method Using 2D Laser Sensor Measurements and Road Features for Autonomous Vehicle
 최 웅 철 | 참여 교수 | 공학관 527호 |
전기 자동차 /베터리 시스템 |
ㅇ Rapid Estimation of Battery Storage Capacity through Multiple Linear Regression
ㅇAn Experimental Study on the Cell Balancing Parameters for Faulty Cell Detection in a Battery Module
ㅇ Effects of Pulse Current Charging on the Aging Performance of Commercial Cylindrical Lithium Ion Batteries
 이 근 호 | 참여 교수 |
공학관 526호
ㅇ Angle Tracking Observer를 이용한 전기각의 고주파 노이즈 제거 기법에 관한 연구 ㅇ An Off-line Maximum Torque Control Strategy of Wound Rotor Synchronous Machine with Nonlinear Parameters ㅇ 영구자석 동기전동기 Phase Fault 발생시 토크제어 전략에 관한 연구 |
 김 흥 규 | 참여 교수 |
공학관 327호
구조/성형 설계
ㅇ Design of wood-like metallic material using metal sheet architecture https://academic.oup.com/jcde/articleabstract/8/5/1290/6368633
ㅇ A Study on the Effect of Process and Material Variables on the Hot Stamping Formability of Automotive BodyParts
ㅇ Prediction of Nonlinear Stiffness of Automotive Bushings by Artificial Neural Network Models Trained by Data from Finite Element Analysishttps://doi.org/10.1007/s12239-020-0145-1
 신 성 환 | 참여 교수 |
공학관 338호
ㅇ Sound quality change of the automotive engine noise by variation of engine oil condition ㅇ Effect of configuration changes on the acoustic transfer function of a vehicle interior ㅇ Fault Diagnosis of an Engine through Analyzing Vibration Signals at the Block |
 양 지 현 | 참여 교수 |
공학관 533호
ㅇ Effect of emotion on galvanic skin response and vehicle control data during simulated driving ㅇ Effect of multimodal takeover request issued through A-pillar LED light, earcon, speech message, and haptic seat in conditionally automated driving ㅇ Configuring User Information by Considering Trust Threatening Factors Associated with Automated Vehicles |
 김 종 찬 | 참여 교수 |
공학관 540호
ㅇ R-TOD: Real-Time Object Detector with Minimized End-to-End Delay for Autonomous Driving @ https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.06372 ㅇ Demand Layering for Real-Time DNN Inference with Minimized Memory Usage @ https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.04024 ㅇ Cyclops: Open Platform for Scale Truck Platooning @ https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.05385 |
 우 승 훈 | 참여 교수 | 공학관 532호 |
차량동역학 및 제어 통합 |
ㅇ A Double Sky-Hook Algorithm for Improving Road-Holding Property in Semi-Active Suspension Systems for Application to In-Wheel Motor
ㅇ Active Differential Control for Improved Handling Performance of Front-Wheel-Drive High-Performance Vehicles
ㅇ 상용차 군집주행을 위한 차간거리 제어 전략
 송 교 원 | 참여 교수 | 공학관 525호 |
UAM 운항 및 교통관리 | ㅇ Development of Optimal Scheduling Strategy and Approach Control Model of Multicopter VTOL aircraft for Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Operation ㅇ Optimal Vertiport Airspace Design for Urban Air Mobility (UAM) ㅇ Ground Vehicle and Drone Collaborative Delivery Planning using Genetic Algorithm |
 이 수 원 | 참여 교수 | 공학관 542호 |
비행역학 및 제어 |
ㅇ Data-driven Capturability Analysis for Pure Proportional Navigation Guidance Considering Target Maneuver
ㅇ Neural-Network-Based Path Replanning for Gliding Vehicles Considering Terminal Velocity
ㅇ Optiaml Output Trajectory Shaping Using Bezier Curves
 전 상 훈 | 참여 교수 | 공학관 538호 |
자동차 사이버보안 |
ㅇ AutoVAS: An automated vulnerability analysis system with a deep learning approach
ㅇ Automatically Seed Corpus and Fuzzing Executables Generation Using Test Framework
ㅇ A Good Representation Helps the Robustness of Federated Learning against Backdoor Attack
조 백 규 (2025.03.01~) | 신규 참여 교수 |
| ㅇ |
 김 재 강 (2025.03.01~) | 신규 참여 교수 |
- 공학관 359호
표면설계 및 생산 |
ㅇ Bioinspired microstructured adhesives with facile and fast switchability for part manipulation in dry and wet conditions ㅇ Enhanced Flexible Mold Lifetime for Roll‐to‐Roll Scaled‐Up Manufacturing of Adhesive Complex Microstructures ㅇ Wall-Shaped Hierarchical Microstructure for Gecko-Like Attachment