연구실 전담 교수 | Lab Director

  • Dr. Hyosun Kwon
  • Assistant Professor, Industrial Design, Kookmin University
  • 경력 | Experience
  • (2018.07-2021.02) Lecturer (Assistant Professor in Korean System), School of Design and Creative Arts Loughborough University, UK
  • (2016.09-2018.06) Research Associate/Fellow, School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, UK
  • (2014.07-2014.10) Research Intern, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK

학력 | Education

PhD, School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, UK

MSc, Industrial Design, KAIST, Korea

BSc, Industrial Design, KAIST, Korea

연구분야 | Research Area
Human-Computer Interaction, Human Experience and Living Design, Research Through Design, Product Design and Technology, Tangible Interaction Design, Internet of Things

PhD Thesis
Kwon, Hyosun (2017) “From Ephemerality to Delicacy: Applying Delicacy in the Design Space of Digital Gifting”. PhD Thesis. University of Nottingham. http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/46705/  or download PDF (without appendix)

eXFab Lab에서는 박사과정 (학비 지원), 석사과정 (학비 지원), 학부 연구원 (연구비 지원)을 모집 중입니다. 

User Experience Design, Tangible Interaction, Design for Emerging Technology 와 관련된 주제 및 디자인 실증 연구 전반에 대한 열정을 가진 분들과 재미있고 의미있는 연구를 하고자 합니다.  많은 관심과 지원 바랍니다.

연구원 | Research Associate

Hired Hired

박사과정 | PhD Candidate

나영황 (Luo Yinghuang) | BA, MA

Research Interest:
Medical-Service Design
Product Design
진룡 (Jin Long) | BA, MA

Research Interest:
Design for Medical Applications
Product Design

석사과정 | MSc Candidate


원가은 (Won, Gaeun) | BA

Research Interest: 

Product-Experience Design
Design for Aging Society
HCI & Design

김현명 (Kim, HyunMyoung) | BA

Research Interest: 
Product-Experience Design
User Experience Design
HCI & Design

학부인턴연구원| Undergraduate Research Intern